Client Case Study: Panion

- Sweden-based start-up, Panion - the Common Interest App - shares its experience of working with Charlotte Gerrish, founder of Gerrish Legal and privacy and commercial law specialist.

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Sweden-based start-up, Panion - the Common Interest App - shares its experience of working with Charlotte Gerrish, founder of Gerrish Legal and privacy and commercial law specialist.

Malmö-based tech start-up, Panion, provides a community-building platform for organizations  to promote  long-lasting friendships and shared activities within their network. 

Panion’s concept:

Panion was founded with the desire to use technology to bring people closer together. Whether just having moved to a new city,  traveling solo, having discovered a new hobby, or just wanting to make a new friend, this keyword- searchable social app, connects people based on common interests, values and experiences across the globe.


Panion is the first social platform that helps people build and expand their social circle by connecting them with like-minded others. Panion connects people based on location but also brings together members of already established networks like companies, universities, and organizations. Through keyword tags, people can search for others who share their interests or find people based on a particular type of interest or platonic relationship (eg. a language exchange partner, gym buddy or co-founder).

Panion encourages its users to put down their phones and connect in person with those who appreciate what makes them who they are. By promoting inclusion and diversity, combating loneliness, and giving people a way to feel valued based on their creativity, skills and knowledge, Panion is helping to better integrate newcomers, combat discrimination and improve the overall mental health and well-being of our students, employees, organization members, and society as a whole.

Case Study:

Johanna, COO of Panion and Charlotte, Founding Lawyer of Gerrish Legal first got in touch via +Impact, a platform founded by Danske Bank where skilled experts assist Nordic impact startups. Charlotte was accepted onto the +Impact platform back in 2018 whilst studying at Uppsala University and working within the tech and legal community in Stockholm, Sweden with Gerrish Legal. Panion joined +Impact in March 2019.

It quickly became apparent that Gerrish Legal and Panion would be  great sparring partners, with similar approaches to finding workable human-focused solutions.

Panion takes legal, compliance and privacy matters very seriously, having already undertaken privacy work for its US activities. Panion wished to collaborate with Charlotte to gain insight and advice on Panion’s approach to privacy and data protection in the EU. As a result, Charlotte updated Panion’s privacy documentation to ensure that Panion would be protected, but also so that Panion could ensure that its users could use the app knowing that their personal data was protected.

How does Panion like working with Gerrish Legal?

As a young, impact driven start-up, it is crucial for us to find the right partners who understand our vision of creating a world where no one feels lonely. In Charlotte, we not only found a great legal expert, but also an advisor and partner that fully understands our mission and shares our values. Charlotte was also willing and able to provide us with quick and objective advice on other legal matters  that occurred on an occasional basis. Her ability to take on an external "in-house counsel" role is not only valuable for large multi-national companies, but also for small start-ups. Having a legal advisor on our side that understands the circumstances of a startup was and can clearly be attributed to our ongoing success.

What does Gerrish Legal think about working with Panion?

It is really a privilege to work with such a human centred tech-company such as Panion. They have a really open and refreshing approach to their business and also to legal matters. What makes Panion so great is the fundamental ethos behind their App – in today’s technology-driven world, it is so easy for people to be isolated, so bringing like-minded individuals together for friendship and common activities via our smartphones is a great move. Who hasn’t moved to a new city for work or study and wished to create a friendship circle so that they can settle into their new home? I can also greatly see the value in their B2B model.

It’s so important for large companies to maintain a sense of community amongst their employees and to promote positive social interactions that contribute to the overall wellness of their workforce. Panion provides that solution – and I can admit that I am also a user of the App – initially checking it out for professional purposes in order to understand the services from a compliance and privacy perspective, and now just as an ordinary user!

Panion’s closing comments:

Charlotte has not only proven her great legal expertise in the work she has provided us but has always shown great passion to work with us to find the best solution for Panion. Charlotte has become both a trusted advisor and a friend!

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