GDPR Compliance for HR Teams & Recruitment Companies

A throwback to a fantastic collaboration between, Obsequio Software, your Consent-as-a-Service provider and Charlotte Gerrish of Gerrish Legal about how Recruiters and HR teams should comply with the GDPR.

If you work in recruitment or HR, then you deal with personal and sensitive data almost every day, which means that you are likely to be impacted by the GDPR more than most. It is therefore really important to ensure that you are up to date with compliance and that you can evidence that you respect your obligations.

A little over 6 months in since the GDPR came into force, we recommend that you cross check your compliance plan against this article where we discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence and Technology, Automated Decision Making: Candidate and Employee Profiling, Lawful Bases, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, Data Protection Impact Assessments and more.

Of course, if you need any specific advice about your data protection compliance, please get in touch!

Article by the Team @ Gerrish Legal, December 2018


GDPR & Cloud Computing - Controllers & Processors


Cloud & SaaS - GDPR Requirements in Practice